Knightowl3d Vision solutions
Knightowl3d is a provider of flexible 3D vision solutions for the accurate and reliable robot handling, measurement and inspection of highly polished and complex shaped parts.

LTec Precision Tooling & Fixtures
Precision Carriers and Tooling for PCB , Systems Assembly. Jigs and Fixtures for Medical Device Assembly and Test, Pharma applications.

LTec SMT Stencils & Consumables
Design and Manufacture of Laser SMT Stencils for accurate and repeatable Solder Paste Printing.
It began with the design and manufacture of Precision Lasercut Stencils and Assembly fixtures and Tooling – since then LaserTec’s capabilities have expanded, encompassing customised Functional Test system and Test Fixture solutions , LTec Laboratory Services and Consultancy , 3D Print and Scan Services and the development of innovative Robot enabled Machine Vision Solutions. LaserTec’s ability to bring innovative solutions to the market for its customers can be attributed to continuous investment in research and development. This has culminated in the development of a new products under our KnightOwl3D brand.
Ltec Laboratory Services and Consultancy
The Company laboratory has extensive in-house facilities, including Scanning Electronic Microscopy, Microprobe laser cutting, X-Ray micro-analysis and Precision Microsectioning.